

抽象艺术花painting lesson will walk you step by step through the process of painting a funky, colorful floral abstract painting in acrylics... like the one on the right!


我已经搞定了several of these floral abstractsover the years, because they are just so fun and look so good when they're finished. Painting them is relaxing, almost meditative. And they turn out differently each time!

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Materials Needed

  • 丙烯酸涂料- I prefer金的orLiquitex,但任何品牌的丙烯酸都将会做
  • 油画刷- 1 flat paintbrush for painting the background squares, and 1 or 2 small round paintbrushes for painting in the details. I am personally a fan of the inexpensiveLoew Cornell美国画家刷
  • 帆布- choose a square or rectangular canvas in any size you want. I used a12"x 12" canvasfor this tutorial.
  • 统治者- 测量网格
  • Pencil- for drawing the grid

Before we get started, you might find it useful to see a quick visual overview of the process.点击这里或单击右侧的图像以查看更大的版本。然后回到这里并通过逐步阅读步骤说明,以创建自己的抽象艺术花卉绘画!

我用过A.12 x 12 inch canvas这种抽象艺术花绘画教程,布鲁里溃疡t you can use any size canvas you want - square or rectangular, small or large. I've done these floral abstract paintings on canvases as small as 6" x 6" and as large as 24" x 36".

First, prime your canvas by covering it with 1-2 coats ofgesso。(如果你想知道“什么是GOSSO,为什么重要?”然后点击这里了解GOSSO以及如何用GOSSO将您的画布括起来。)

一旦石膏干了以后,用你的尺子和一支钢笔cil to draw a grid on your canvas. There are many possibilities here - your grid squares can be as small or as large as you like. For my 12 x 12 inch painting, I chose 3-inch squares (4 rows of 4 squares each).

I could have easily also done 4-inch squares (3 rows of 3 squares each) or 2-inch squares (6 rows of 6 squares each) or even 6-inch squares (2 rows of 2 squares each).




As you can see, the squares don't have to be painted "perfectly". My edges are a bit wobbly, but that's okay. The edges will actually get painted over in the next step, which you'll see in a second.


  1. you can always paint over them if you need to, and

  2. 这些方块只是背景。

You'll be painting different colors on top of these squares to make your flowers, so only a portion of these background colors will actually show through by the time you're finished.

Okay, enough jumping ahead! Let's get back to where you are now...


Painted Squares in Grid

恭喜 - 现在你的帆布全部覆盖在油漆中!这是一个重要的第一步。从这里出门,您将为每个广场添加细节,并使每个方面都是独一无二的!




Remember not to fret too much about choosing the "right" colors though, as I mentioned earlier. Just go with your gut feeling, and remember that the painting will look different by the time you're finished because you'll be adding a lot more detail.


Abstract Painting Squares

Abstract Painting Squares


Abstract Floral Painting Tutorial with Thaneeya

The circles can be any size and color you want. I find that painting a variety of sizes and colors creates a more interesting composition to work with. Here's how it looks when all the circles are painted in:

Abstract Flower Painting Tutorial on Art is Fun


Now it's time to paint petals and other detailsaroundor在上面of the circles. For example, examine the progress photo below, and notice how I added pale yellow in several places. I painted:

  1. 橙色圈子周围的黄色花瓣,

  2. 一个红色的圆圈里面的一个小黄色圆圈,

  3. 几个橙色圆圈的环中的几个黄色点,和

  4. 浅蓝色圆圈周围的黄色圆形线。

Compare the image below with the image above, if that helps make it easier to see the added details.


I find that it is easiest to choose one color, and then add several details using that same color, before moving onto the next color.

After adding the pale yellow details above, I added some orange details:


Next, I added pink and red details:


请记住,您还可以画细节在之上the details.

Also, try to createa variety of petal shapes,就像泪滴,倒泪滴,漩涡,环,半圈,尖头半圈等。



It's starting to look more and more finished, isn't it!


Abstract Acrylic Flower Painting Tutorial



A few orange and yellow-orange details were added, and now the painting is nearly done!



I like shiny, sparkly things, so I couldn't resist adding some metallic blue, copper and gold to each flower. It's a fun finishing touch that adds extra oomph to the painting.

Colorful Flower Abstract Painting by Thaneeya


Knowing when the painting is "finished" is a very subjective thing, so go with your gut feeling. Some people liketons其他人更喜欢less细节,因此尝试在您的绘画中找到余额,让您高兴。


对于快速的视觉进修,看看这个overview of the steps to create this abstract art flower painting, and then read on to find out what to do with the sides of the canvas. You'll also see examples of other abstract art flower paintings!

How to Paint Floral Abstract Art

Now, there's just one last detail to take care of...

What to do with the sides of the canvas...?

Abstract Flower Painting Side



For this painting, I decided to paint the edges black. I used a flat brush for this, and also painted very carefully, so as not to get any of the black paint on the front of the painting.

If you know in advance that you'll want to paint the sides black, a good idea is to paint the sides black before you even paint the front. It can be the next step after you gesso. That way, if you get any paint on the sides while you're painting the front, you can easily touch up the sides with dabs of black after you're done with the front. When you just do touch-ups, there less chance of accidentally getting the black paint on the front.

Colorful Floral Abstract Lesson on Art is Fun

如果你决定涂抹边缘,黑阁楼is a great option because it flows well and it is easy to apply. Because of the consistency of black gesso, I find it easier to use when painting the sides of a canvas, rather than regular black acrylic paint.

Another idea for the sides is to paint them to match the front. You can simply carry on the abstract art flower motif around to the edges.

Here is an example of one of my abstract art flower paintings that has sides painted to match the front:


I hope you enjoy this抽象艺术花绘画课!正如我之前提到的那样,关于绘画抽象艺术花卉绘画的最佳事情之一是,每个人都可以如此不同,具体取决于若干因素,如颜色选择和放置,设计,尺寸等。查看以下示例以获得灵感!


Here are some other abstract art flower paintings I've created in other sizes:

Colorful Flower Abstract Painting by Thaneeya

这is the front of the painting shown just above, with the sides painted to match the front. This was painted on a 7" x 7" canvas, with 1" squares.

I was first inspired to create these floral abstract acrylic paintings because of my love for Indian textiles from Rajasthan, with their detailed patterns and colorfully mesmerizing designs. I designed these abstract paintings to resemble a cross between these Indian textiles and other types of quilts. I was tickled when a professional quilt-maker made a quilt based on the above abstract art flower painting!

Detailed Flower Abstract Art

The painting above was painted on a 18" x 24" canvas, using 3" squares.

Pair of Abstract Art Flower Paintings

The 2 paintings above were painted on 9" x 12" wood panels, with 3" squares. Abstract art flower paintings look great when hung in pairs!


上面的绘画是12“x 12”抽象艺术花卉绘画的另一个例子,其中3“正方形 - 与本教程中使用的相同尺寸。


这painting lesson shows you how I make abstract flower paintings in my signature style.Please read this important message if you want to publicly display or sell your paintings that you made based on this lesson。先感谢您!

Happy Painting!!

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